Defending civil liberties and rights to promote and advance individual freedoms.
“I want to live in a society in which people can voice unpopular opinions, because I know that, as a result of that, a society grows and matures.”
-Hugh M. Hefner

“I want to live in a society in which people can voice unpopular opinions, because I know that, as a result of that, a society grows and matures.”
-Hugh M. Hefner

About us
Founded by Hugh M. Hefner in 1964, the Foundation partners with organizations that overcome censorship and oppression — and aspires for a future without them.

First Amendment Awards
The annual HMH First Amendment Awards honor risk-takers across industries who relentlessly fight for our rights of freedom of expression and expansion of civil liberties.

Donate to Our Causes
Your donations fund the organizations protecting the rights of all Americans, particularly First Amendment freedoms, civil liberties, and rational drug policy and sex policies.
How we defend civil liberties
Through grants and annual awards, we support frontline warriors defending our rights.